The vibration of Vedic Mantras chanted every morning in the lush green premises of the school depicts the philosophy of Vedic culture blended with modernity and ultimate values of human life. Consisting of the latest educational technology and tools the school endeavors to enable every pupil to excel in academics under the ingenious stewardship of dynamic and experienced teaching staff. To gain the proficiency in game/sports the students receive coaching and training from the professionals and experts in the field of Tae-Kwon-Do, Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball, Kho-kho etc. To establish the harmony between mind and spirit and to channelize their energies the classes of Yoga are conducted every week which provide an outlet for overcharged exuberance towards right direction. After realizing abundant aesthetic sensibilities among the students the school provides the training of Music, Arts, and Dance etc. For gaining confidence and shaping the personality of the child he/she is exposed to public speaking through debates, group discussions, elocution, extempore speeches etc. To improve the competency level of the students in different competitive examinations special classes are held regularly. To provide an adequate exposure in the information Technology compulsory computer education is being imparted from std. I onward. The school is bound to organize the programmes on educational research from time to time to provide exposure to the teaching faculty. In the end, I appreciate the endeavors put in by the staff and the students for bringing various laurels to the school after participating in various activities at the national, state and district level.
Sanjive Sharma